3 Easy Ways to Produce More Ideas

I’m out of ideas. What can I write that people will want to read? How can I make my post different than the hundreds of posts out there? Who is going to read this post anyway? I give up. I think I’ll go make a sandwich.

Sound familiar? Listen, we’ve all been there.

I am definitely not a wordsmith by any stretch of the imagination and I get nervous when the boss comes into my office and asks me to write the next post for our blog. Will anyone read what I write?

Today I have compiled a list of three techniques used by companies like Ghost, Buffer, and Copyblogger for generating great blog ideas. Don’t become a victim of the blinking cursor.


Keep an inspiration list

Ever have a great idea in your sleep that you can’t remember the next morning? How about while you’re taking a shower? Take a page from the Boy Scout handbook: Be Prepared.

Make a file, list, spreadsheet, video, recording or stone carving that is easily accessible at all times. If you’re like me and can’t live without your phone for more than 10 seconds, keep your list there. If you’re constantly on the go and switching between devices try keeping your inspiration list online with services like Evernote, Keep or Dropbox.

It may sound totally obvious but when you get your next idea, write it down! Duh.

Embrace the content around you

To quote Buffer, “We aren’t shy about taking inspiration from others.”

I think Buffer’s content is amazing (seriously, go check them out after reading this post).

Don’t drive yourself crazy trying to think up content that no one has dared to dream up before, keep it simple. Is there a post you liked that can be simplified? What about a point that was never addressed by the original blogger?

If you find something that catches your interest, chances are your readers might find it interesting too. Put the content in your own words and always give credit where it’s due.

Thanks Ghost! (See Original Ghost Post)

Repurpose Content & Make a Guide

What kind of guide you ask? Any kind! How about writing a post about 3 Easy Ways to Produce More Ideas?

Create a post that includes a quick list of tips, tricks or instructions. Gather a list of older posts on a topic so they might form a short story. For example, you may have a blog post about creating a Facebook account, another about using that account and finally one on integrating that account into your larger social media strategy.

Your guide doesn’t have to include the meaning of life, it’s just one way to get information across more quickly.


At first I didn’t know what I was going to write about for this post. I began browsing through my favorite blogging sites for inspiration and a topic I was familiar with. I found a post similar to this one on Ghost.com and Cha-Ching: inspiration. (I don’t know why my ideas make the old-time cash register sound.)

I borrowed some of the ideas John O’Nolan had written about and composed this quick 3 piece guide for you. One, Two, Three.

If you need some extra help getting started try reading Buffer’s post: 38 Tools for Getting More Ideas: An Idea Generation #Bufferchat Recap.

How do you generate ideas?

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