From the platform’s focus on visuals to the way its algorithms give your content more reach, here are 5 reasons that Pinterest is a must for travel companies.
Not only does an effective email marketing campaign make you a familiar name on a personal platform we use every day, but it allows you to seek out your customers instead of waiting for them to find you. Follow these 5 steps to optimize your next eCommerce email marketing campaign and enjoy the hefty ROI email marketing has to offer.
You’ve probably heard that email marketing can be a powerful digital marketing strategy for your eCommerce business. (And if you haven’t, try this on for size: For every $1 you spend on email marketing, you can expect an average return of $38).
More people are browsing the Internet on mobile devices than ever before. Sites that aren’t optimized to be mobile-friendly are more likely to see higher bounce rates and less conversions. Don’t let your business be a victim to out-of-date design. Learn how to make your site mobile-friendly today.
Live chat can help you communicate with all your online customers. With the power of automation, you can use it to increase conversions and overall sales.
If you work with a web developer to design, build, and maintain your company’s website, then your developer knows your company’s website like the back of their hand.
Imagine using all the marketing perks social media has to offer to further your content marketing strategy. It can help you define an effective lead funnel, increase brand awareness and create a dialogue with your audience that helps build a sense of trust. Here are 3 easy ways to use social media to make the most of your content strategy.
Video is essential for travel marketing: Most potential clients are looking to experience something new. That means they don’t know what to expect from your offerings—unless you show them.
Google holds the key to all the data you need to understand your visitors: why they visit, when they visit, what they like, and why they leave. But you can’t get that data without Google Analytics. Check out our list of 5 GA reports that’ll help you see where your site is struggling.