Author: Brad Moss

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7 Key Metrics to Measure Your Content’s Impact

How effective is your content marketing strategy? Content isn’t just about conversions. From building authority and trust to measuring social shares, discover the top 7 content marketing KPIs that will help you to track the impact of your company’s content.


Why Your Marketing Strategy Needs Personas

Discover what personas are, how to develop them for your brand, and how you can use them to create more engaging content and more persuasive, compelling ads.


How to Make the Most of Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing is here to stay, so jump on the bandwagon before it passes you by. From knowing your audience to identifying your goals to complying with FTC regulations, here are 7 steps to make the most of influencer marketing.

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5 Reasons You Need to Hire a Digital Marketing Agency (Not a New Employee)

Does your site’s traffic look more like an empty parking lot? Can the contacts in your email list be counted on fingers and toes?

2018 Important Dates for Ecommerce and Marketing

Ecommerce Dates Every Marketer Needs to Know

From one of the top Colorado marketing companies, here’s your guide to making the most out of every major ecommerce event in 2018.


Secure Your Site or Lose Search Ranking in 2018

Google announced it will show a “NOT SECURE” warning when uses land on a text input field page on any HTTP website after 2018.


The Difference Between SEM and Paid Social Media Advertising (And Why You Need Both)

Here’s how paid social advertising and SEM work together to guide your lead from their initial interest to their decision to buy.


How to Write Less and Say More

Have you ever read an article in which the author seems to drone on? By the end, you can’t even remember a thing you’ve just read? That can happen with a lot of writers. We love words — all of the words.

Game-Changing Digital Marketing Trends

Game-Changing Digital Marketing Trends

Marketers have come up with a more integrated approach to digital marketing. Here are some trends to consider adding to your marketing strategy.